Don't get me wrong, 2010 has been a good year overall, but it certainly came with some personal challenges, that when I reflect on the past year, have most likely only made me stronger as an individual. I am thankful for the ups as well as the downs that came my way personally, professionally, physically, emotionally, familially (Is that a word? It is for now...), as such have only added to my character, added to my motivation to always do better in the coming year. As 2010 draws to a close, I am thankful as always for My Little Family, consisting of Alex, Elena, and Katrina~we have one another with whom we are able to laugh, cry, hug, kiss, play, dance, learn from, and teach life lessons to on a daily basis. We have good health aside from annoying winter colds that tend to stick around temporarily just to keep things real. We have a blessed life full of loved ones from our large extended family who share their love, talents, and cooking prowess with us. We have lovely friends who share their unique gifts, fun company, and sweet kindness with us. We have the gift of tastebuds that help us to savor and appreciate every delicious bite of food that makes its way onto our palates from the kitchen. I have some growing loyal support for this new adventure in blogging I've stumbled upon that brings a smile to my face every time my fingers strike the keyboard to bring you taste of my life as
Nom Nom Nom Mom. I thank 2010 for being what it was~real...and actually quite delicious as well. It's my hope that 2011 comes with much happiness, good fortune, sweet love, more recipes and yummy adventures, and good eats for my family and for yours.
And in the tradition of my Filipino family, don't forget to ring in the New Year "right," by setting out a platter of 12-13 of your favorite
round fruits to make it a prosperous year ahead.
My round fruits include: Pomelo, oranges, tangerines, limes, lemons, green grapes, red grapes, apples, cherry tomatoes, yellow sweet bell pepper, round slices of cucumber, cranberries |
Don't know about you, but I'll also be sipping on some hot chocolate~not from the authentic Filipino
Tablea Tsokolate~I often drunk hot at midnight with my parents, brothers, and "Te" (my "Aunt"/Nanny since birth, and now my Girlies "Lola Te") but hot chocolate nonetheless, maybe swigging a sip of champagne to follow, wearing polka-dotted clothing, carrying coins in my pockets, setting coins at the front door, jumping at midnight in case I have the chance of growing taller in my adulthood, turning on all the lights in the house, and banging on pots and pans just to name a few things to ensure that 2011 is a good year. Granted, it'll be less elaborate than my own parents'
Media Noche merriment and delicious feasting that they'll partake in at the stroke of midnight. But since I am yet again a bit under the weather with the aforementioned winter cold, and the Girlies decided to sleep early for once, we decided it's gonna be a variation on the theme in the sweet confines of our home. I am really looking forward to spending a quaint Eve with my own little family, as it should be...Besides, I have all of New Year's Day to spend with my large and loving extended family eating, eating, and did I mention eating...(More on that feast later...)
Now if you find my Filipino family's traditions wacky, here's a
Delish link to some other globally "wacky" ways to ensure a fabulous year ahead, with food in mind. Happy
Nom Nom Nom-ing in 2011! Cheers!
Our little spread for Media Noche nom-nom-nom-ing...Cheers! |
Happy New Year! Great traditions, thanks for sharing!!!!